To Die Beautiful: A Novel Book Review

When one country invades another, the citizens of the invaded nation have two paths in front of them. They can accept their fate and silently go about their business. The other option is to do their best to send the invaders packing.

To Die Beautiful: A Novel, by Buzzy Jackson, was published in May. The book tells the story of Hannie Schaft. In 1940, Schaft was a young law student. Then the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. At first, she believes that finding hiding places for her Jewish friends is enough. It quickly becomes obvious that hiding them is akin to putting a bandaid on a bullet wound.

The only choice she has is to join the Dutch resistance movement. While falling for one of her comrades, Hannie becomes one of the fiercest fighters within the group. Known for her red hair and determination, she will not stop until the occupiers are gone.

Wow. I loved the story. Despite knowing how her story ended (no spoilers, I promise), I was taken on a ride. As a protagonist, Hannie is a badass, a hero, and willing to put it all on the line. She proves that one person can make a difference and that a hero is not always a big strong man with bulging muscles.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely. This is one of my favorite books that I have read so far in 2023.

To Die Beautiful: A Novel is available wherever books are sold.