AJ Owens Should be Alive

I’m not a parent, but I understand the eternal bond and love between a parent and their child.

AJ Owens was one of these mothers. The now former resident of Ocala, Florida (because it’s Florida) was killed by a white neighbor, Susan Lorincz. This woman both verbally abused Ms. Owens’s children with language I will not repeat and destroyed their property. When Ms. Owens went to confront this neighbor, she was shot and killed. What is worse is that one of her children witnessed the murder.

Instead being immediately arrested, it took police 4 days to handcuff her and bring her to the police station.

If it had been the other way around, I don’t want to imagine the response.

This is more than gun control, racism, and the state’s Stand Your Ground law. This is about the fundamental problems in this country that will continue on until we are willing and able to look it in the face and deal with it.

May the memory of Ms. Owens be a blessing and may her children one day, know peace. Z”L.