The Sad Connection of June 12th: Anne Frank’s 94th Birthday and the 7th Anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting

Anniversaries are not always good things. They can remind us of what was and can never be again.

Monday represented a sad day in human history. It would have been Anne Frank‘s 94th birthday. For me, her unnecessary death is hard twice over. First, she has become a stand-in for the approximately 1.5 million young people who were killed in the Holocaust. Second, she proved that she had a gift for writing at an early age. I can only imagine the work she might have created, had she not been killed for who she was.

On June 12th, 2016, the patrons at the Pulse nightclub were doing what we all do in such an establishment: dancing, drinking, and generally having a good time. They were not bothering anyone or forcing their point of view on others.

49 people were killed that night and 53 were wounded. It was, up to that point, the worst mass shooting in the US until the next one in Las Vegas. It’s hard to believe that it has been 7 years, but it is. As someone who recently came out, I feel this pain acutely.

To be targeted and marked for death simply due to identifiers such as religion or sexual preference is a black mark on humanity.

May their memories be a blessing. Z”L.