Hamas Got the War They Wanted

It has been said that someone’s freedom fighter is another’s terrorist. That being said, there is a huge difference between targeting the government and using civilians to get your way.

In case you were living under a rock yesterday, you likely would have heard that Hamas militants invaded Israel. As of just a few minutes ago, the Israeli death toll is 600, and the Palestinian death toll is 300. Many others have been taken hostage. Though preliminary fingers have pointed to a major intelligence failure by the Israelis, that can be dealt with at a later date.

Hamas wanted a war, and they got one. Their leadership is not stupid. They know the IDF will do all they can to protect the lives of civilians and frankly, don’t give a shit if their own people are killed.

As expected, the fingerprints of Iran are covered in this attack. Until they are stopped, the bloodletting and destruction will continue.

What many have pointed out is we are nearing the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. While there are obvious similarities, there is one glaring difference. That was a battle between two armies in which those on the battlefield were soldiers. They were not civilians who were just going about their business.

The other comparison I would like to draw attention to is the American Revolution. That was also a cause in which freedom was the outcome. I’m the first to admit that I am not a trained historian. But I know enough to know that the path the tactics that were used at the time did not include using non-combatants as human shields or collateral.

On a personal note, I am thinking my family members who call our motherland home. I pray that they are unharmed.

I am going to end this post with a series of Tweets. Some are a little graphic, but they need to be seen.

To say that this has been a difficult weekend is understatement. May the memories of those killed be a blessing and may their lives be avenged. Z”l.

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P.S. The reason why we continue to fight for our survival is because of the enablers continue to spread the lies.

Author: Writergurlny

I am Brooklyn, NY born and raised writer who needs writing to find sanity in an insane world. To quote Charlotte Bronte: “I'm just going to write because I cannot help it.”