I Have Mixed Feelings About Social Media

What technology would you be better off without, why?

I think social media makes our world better (getting rid of it completely is foolish), but there have to be limits.

I like the ability to catch up with old friends and meet people with similar interests.

But the downsides are too much to ignore.

Black Cake Series Review

As much as we think we know our parents, we may not know about the lives they had before we were born. In some families, secrets are sometimes not shared with the next generation.

The new Hulu series, Black Cake, is based on the book, Black Cake: A Novel, by Charmaine Wilkerson. In present-day California, estranged siblings Benny (Adrienne Warren) and Byron (Ashley Thomas) reunite after the death of their mother, Eleanor Bennett (Chipo Chung). Via a series of recordings, Eleanor tells her story and reveals truths that have remained hidden for decades. She also asks them to share a black cake when the time is right.

Back in the 1960s, Covey (Mia Isaac) was a young woman. The daughter of a black Caribbean-born mother and a Chinese immigrant father, she escapes a forced marriage. After arriving in England, Covey makes certain choices to survive, not knowing what lays head.

I have not read the book yet (it is on my TBR list), so this review is based on the small-screen adaptation.

Wow. The series is amazing. I have binged the episodes that are available for viewing and I am hooked. There is nothing out of place or overdone. If there was a textbook on how to adapt a novel for the screen, this program would be included as an example of how to do it.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely.

The final episode of Black Cake will be released on December 6th on Hulu.