The Unhoneymooners Book Review

The hate-to-love narrative is a staple within the romantic comedy genre. Does that mean that every story and potential couple works? Not always. But with the right chemistry and the right character arcs, the reader/viewer will be hooked.

The Unhoneymooners, by Christina Lauren, was published in 2019. Luck has never been Olive Torres’s strong suit. Nothing ever goes right for her. In contrast, her twin, Ami has always been in the winner’s circle. Instead of paying for her wedding, she entered a series of contests and managed to win them all.

The worst part is not the wedding itself. It’s that Olive has to spend time with the groom’s brother and best man, Ethan Thomas. They get along like oil and water. For the sake of their respective siblings, they at least pretend to get along.

Somehow, Ethan and Olive are the only members of the wedding party to not get food poisoning. Adding insult to injury, the honeymoon in Maui is not refundable and the dates cannot be changed. The only option is to pretend to be the newlyweds and hope that no one notices. The problem is that the more they act like they are in love, the harder it becomes to deny their feelings.

Unlike other stories of this kind, it’s low-key. The figurative fireworks and extreme roller coaster are toned down. But that’s fine because the lead characters had enough chemistry to keep me reading.

The twists were perfectly timed, as was the low point. It is a lovely read and the perfect break from reality.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely.

The Unhoneymooners is available wherever books are sold.

Author: Writergurlny

I am Brooklyn, NY born and raised writer who needs writing to find sanity in an insane world. To quote Charlotte Bronte: “I'm just going to write because I cannot help it.”

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