The Godmother Podcast Review

I shouldn’t be surprised that in 2024, we are still discovering trailblazers whose names and work have been mostly forgotten.

Eunice Carter is one of these people. In the 1930s, she was the first black female prosecutor in the United States. She was also part of the NYC-based team that helped to put Lucky Luciano in prison. Her story is told in the new eight-part podcast, The Godmother.

The fact that Carter has been almost lost to history is appalling. Given the era she lived in and what she accomplished, she should be celebrated. Every school child should at least know the basics of the boundaries that she broke. Just like we celebrate the achievements of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., we should be tooting the horn of Eunice Carter.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely.

New episodes of The Godmother are released Monday.