Happy Birthday, Ruth Bader Ginsburg!

We often make assumptions based on another’s appearance. One of the factors that use to make those assumptions is the height of a person.

Today is Ruth Bader Ginsburg‘s 86th birthday. Born in Brooklyn in 1933, she was part of the first generation of women in the 1950’s who sought out a professional career while maintaining a marriage and raising children. Though she facing discrimination on multiple fronts, she knew that the fight for the rights of American women was paramount. In 1993, she became the second female Justice on the Supreme Court when President Bill Clinton appointed her as the then newest member of SCOTUS.

I think the best quote to sum up Justice Ginsburg comes from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

“Though she be but little, she is fierce!”

Justice Ginsburg is one of the many women who paved the way for this generation of American woman. She fought for our rights and lit a fire under our collective bottoms that will never go out.

Happy Birthday Ruth Bader Ginsburg!

Throwback Thursday-A Midsummer Nights Dream (1999)

Some stories are meant to live forever. No matter how they are interpreted, the nothing can change what keeps the story fresh and alive with every re-telling.

William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream has it all. A battle of the sexes between royalty, actors looking to make their mark on the world and lovers whose lives are turned upside down by magic.

In 1999, the play was made into a film. Oberon (Rupert Everett) and Titania (Michelle Pfeiffer) are the sparring royal fairies. Theseus (David Straithairn) and Hyppolita (Sophie Marceau) are the non magical sparring royals. Nick Bottom (Kevin Kline) is part of an acting troupe hoping to impress Theseus and Hyppolita, who is for a short time, turned literally into an ass. Lysander  (Dominic West) and Demetrius (Christina Bale) are happy to marry Helena (Calista Flockhart). But Helena has only eyes for Demetrius and her best friend, Hermia (Anna Friel) is desperate for Lysander to notice her. If that is not enough, Puck (Stanley Tucci) likes making trouble and mixing things up a bit.

This is how Shakespeare should be done every time.  This film is funny, very entertaining, modern while most importantly true to the text and the characters.

I absolutely recommend it.

An Excellent Dream, Too Bad I Had To Wake Up

I happen to be fan of the Bard and I am especially happy when his works are recreated in a way that is both respectful of the original vision, but still fresh to an audience.

The Classic Stage Company in New York City is currently showing a production of A Midsummer Nights until May 20th.

Leading the cast is Bebe Neuwirth in the dual roles of Hyppolita/Titania and Christina Ricci as Hermia.

The magical mixup of lovers, in both the real and fairie world was thoroughly enjoyable.

See it if you can.