Joss Whedon Needs to Grow Up and Apologize

I’ve been a fan of Joss Whedon for more than twenty years. He is one of those writer/director types that is only bound by his imagination and his ability to create a compelling narrative.

Between Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, the 2012 Much Ado About Nothing, The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, etc, his career is nothing to sneeze at.

That being said, that does not mean that he has the right to be an asshole.

After multiple accusations of being an all-around jackass on various sets, he threw the blame back on the performers. Speaking of Ray Fisher (Justice League) he claimed that Fisher is a bad actor. If he was so bad, why did he not just fire him and recast the role? It wouldn’t have been the first time and I am sure that it won’t be the last time. The fact that he is making these claims now does not exactly hold water. At least Fisher was the bigger person, which I cannot say about Whedon.

Whedon also claimed that his working relationship with Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot went sour because her native tongue is Hebrew.

“I don’t threaten people. Who does that?” Whedon told New York. “English is not her first language, and I tend to be annoyingly flowery in my speech.”

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There are plenty of actors whose second (or third) language is English. That is no excuse for treating anyone on set as if they are an annoying fly needing to be squashed.

The key to any workplace success (regardless of where one works), is the capacity to be professional, even if we don’t get along with everyone we work with. Whedon either lacks this capacity or thinks that he is above it. Either way, he needs to grow up and apologize.

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Thank You, Saturday Night Live

One of the more vocal complaints that has come out of audiences and female members of the Hollywood community is the limited number of strong female driven films and television programs.

Last night, Saturday Night Live hit the nail on the head.

Last year, a study of the top grossing films released in 2013 revealed that only 15% of the films had women in the lead role.

The host was Scarlett Johansson. Her latest movie, Avengers: Age Of Ultron seemed to be the audience favorite this weekend.

As much as I love this series, I have to wonder, when will Black Widow get her own movie? Every male character (except Hawkeye) has had at least one film under his own name.  Is Marvel afraid that she cannot carry a film?

I think she can, with  the right script and the right supporting players. It’s just a matter of taking that chance and finally proving that female characters can carry an action film as much as they can carry a rom-com or a drama.

Avengers: Age Of Ultron Review

Nothing marks the start of the summer than a superhero movie.

This year, it is Avengers: Age Of Ultron.

Tony Stark/Ironman (Robert Downey Jr.) has a dream. He will deploy a legion of robots as peacemakers.

But things go awry when Ultron (voiced by James Spader) comes to life and has his own plans. Now it is up to the Avengers to stop Ultron before he destroys the world.

The Avengers are out in full force. Steve Rodgers/Captain America (Chris Evans), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Natasha Romanoff/The Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) are all back and ready to save the world.

Trouble does not just come in the form of Ultron. Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) are a pair of twins with unusual abilities. The question is, are they allies or foes?

To be honest, I did  not like this movie as much as I liked the previous Avengers movie. Several scenes felt forced and/or stretched. What I did like was not only cameos from characters who had been in movies with individual Avengers characters, but also we saw some of the back story that had not been shown to audiences previously.  I just wish some scenes had been left for the extras portion on the DVD.

Do I recommend it? If you are a super fan and highly committed to the series, then I say yes. But if your a casual fan, I would say to wait for the DVD to be released.