Babes Movie Review

A love story does not have to follow a potentially romantic couple. It can also be between friends, siblings, or a parent and child.

The new movie, Babes, follows longtime besties Eden (Ilana Glazer, who also co-wrote the film with Josh Rabinowitz) and Dawn (Michelle Buteau). Dawn is near her due date with her second child. After a one-night stand with Claude (Stephan James), Eden discovers that she is pregnant. She decides to go ahead with the pregnancy and become a single mother.

Babes is one of my favorite movies of the year so far. Glazer and Rabinowitz’s script is funny, true to life, and speaks to the complications of motherhood, adulthood, and friendship. The chemistry between the lead actors and real-life friends is brilliant.

One of my favorite lines is in the beginning. Eden has to take four trains and more than an hour-long commute just to meet Dawn for their annual Thanksgiving film meetup. Anyone who has lived in NYC for a significant amount of time can relate.

Do I recommend it? Yes.

Babes is currently playing in theaters.