The President is a Traitor

The main role of the President of the United States is to protect the country and her citizens. His or her personal needs are second to the needs of the country. In our history, most American Presidents have at the very least, understood this concept. I can’t say the same about the man who currently holds the title.

According to a damning report in the New York Times, you know who was advised that Vladimir Putin and the Russian government has been paying bounties to to Afghan terrorists to kill American troops. Instead of supporting and protecting members of the American military as he has routinely stated, he is letting Putin walk all over him.

Putin is not dumb, by any stretch of the imagination. One does not hold onto power for twenty years without learning a thing or two. He knows how to play the game. The problem is that you know who does not know how to play, nor does he listen to those who have.

If this report is true (though knowing him, it probably is), then you know who is a traitor. He has sold this nation out for his own needs. What is worse, he has sold us out to someone who is using him to bring the United States to its needs.

If I were to list every reason that you know who should not be re-elected in the fall, this reason would be number one. He claims to be a grade-A salesman. Instead he is being sold a bill of goods that is putting us all in danger.

He MUST not win a second term.

Putin Comes To America

No one goes through life without making at least one mistake. The hope is that most people learn from their mistake and try to prevent it from happening in the future.

But you know who is not most people. After the reaction of the American public to the speech in Helsinki earlier this week, a smart person would have thought twice about how to deal with Putin and the Russian government.

But you know who isn’t exactly the stable genius he publicly proclaims himself to be. After trying to save his skin by walking back on his speech, he decided that the smart thing would be to invite Putin to visit America in the fall.

If there was anyone else sitting in the Oval Office, this would be just another meeting between two world leaders.

But with you know who, this is not just a meeting between two world leaders.

Why don’t we just give Putin the American Presidency? Tear up the Bill Of Rights and throw the Constitution in a bonfire?

What Putin wants is to destroy the American democracy as we know it to be and you know who is stupidly playing into his hands.

Good job America, we really did vote for the best person for the job.



It’s Treason, Pure And Simple

In 1778, during the height of the Revolutionary War, Benedict Arnold jumped ship to fight for the British.  Since then, his name is synonymous with treason.

Today, was have a new name to link to treason against America: Donald Trump.

Despite recent undeniable proof (and indictments against Russian agents) that Russia meddled in the 2016 Presidential election, Trump continue to deny the truth during the dual press conference in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

I don’t know (though it seems likely and has seemed likely for a while) if Putin has something on Trump or he is just so dam egotistical that he can’t see what is happening in front of his eyes.

I’m not a legal scholar, but for me, this would be more than enough of a reason for me to start impeachment proceedings. We’ve been sold out to Russia and Putin knows it. The only person who doesn’t know it is Trump.

Even those who have supported him have called Trump out on what he did and said today.

So much for America First.