Thoughts On Last Night’s James Comey Interview

Last night, after months of speculation, James Comey sat down to tell his side of the story in regards to the 2016 Presidential election and the current commander-in-chief.

Bear in mind, that I have not yet read the book, so this post is strictly based on the interview

Mr. Comey appears to me as a straight arrow. Unlike others in government, he does not yield to partisan politics. He does what he thinks is right for the country, even if it means influencing voters close to a Presidential election and possibly changing the outcome of history.

I have to admit at this point, that I am of the belief that had the email scandal not derailed Hillary Clinton’s campaign, she would be in the White House instead of Donald Trump. But I also have to admire Mr. Comey for his candor and his ability to focus on the American people instead of swaying to those in power.

Some naysayers could easily say that he is a disgruntled former employee who is still bitter about being fired and is using a public forum to air dirty laundry.

But as I see, Mr. Comey is still doing his job, looking out for the voting public.  If only more politicians and high level government employees were willing to put politics aside and do what is right for the voters, this country would be in a much better place.



Author: Writergurlny

I am Brooklyn, NY born and raised writer who needs writing to find sanity in an insane world. To quote Charlotte Bronte: “I'm just going to write because I cannot help it.”

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