Justice Served: Pittsburgh Shooter Guity

Justice does not always occur when we want it to happen. But hopefully, it will happen.

On Friday, the man accused of mass shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh was found guilty of the murder of 11 people.

Obviously, the verdict cannot bring those who were killed back or undo the damage it created. But it still brings a measure of hope that the dead have been avenged and sends the message that this kind of action is not acceptable.

The next step is to determine whether or not he should get the death penalty or spend the rest of his days in prison. If I had my druthers, neither is enough of a punishment. The most appropriate response is to drop him in Auschwitz and let the ghosts do the rest.

May the memories of the 11 souls that were needlessly taken that day be a blessing. Z”L.

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The Stepford Wives Book Review

There are some books that are entertaining and readable but forgotten once read. Then there are others that stay with us long after their original publishing date.

The Stepford Wives, by Ira Levin was published in 1972. Joanna Eberhart and her husband, Walter, decide that it’s time to leave New York City for the suburbs. The choice of their new hometown is Stepford, Connecticut. While they are welcomed with open arms, something feels odd about the women. While Walter is convinced that everything is fine, Joanna starts asking questions about her neighbors.

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Depending on your perspective, the book could be satire. It is also a thriller with a warning to its female readers that is on par with The Handmaid’s Tale. Though it was written by a man during the second wave, it is as timely then as it is now. There are far too many in this world who would be more than thrilled to go back to the days when a woman’s “job” was to cook, clean, and care for the children.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely.

The Stepford Wives is available wherever books are sold.

P.S. If you are looking for a movie adaptation, skip the 2004 film. It is absolutely horrible. I have not seen the original 1975 movie, but I can say with certainty that the 2004 version is not worth anyone’s time.