The World is Being Lied to About the Jenin “Massacre”

It has been said that a lie is halfway around the world before the truth has got its boots on.

With the nearly century-long conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, it has become near impossible to distinguish fact from fiction. The problem comes from the headlines. Instead of doing their homework, many journalists and publications around the world continue to spew lies and half-truths.

I am not going to repeat former PM Naftali Bennett‘s position. Anyone with a brain would be able to see that this is an act of self-defense. They would also be pointing fingers at the Palestinian leadership for brainwashing their youth and wasting precious resources on death instead of life.

Am Yisroel Chai.

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P.S. The phrase from the river to the sea is basically a call for the expulsion and murder of not just Israeli Jews, but Jews of any nation.

Republican Fuckery XXII: Chris Christie’s About Face About YKW & Lindsey Graham Booed at Rally

As the 2024 Presidential election starts to get closer, the question of who will take the nomination becomes ever more pressing.

Among the Republican candidates, Chris Christie has again thrown his hat in the ring. What I find to be curious is that he has changed his tune in regards to you know who and the results of the 2020 election. Governor Christie is, of course, allowed to change his mind, but this 180 makes me curious about where his loyalties lie.

Meanwhile, Lindsey Graham was booed at a rally for the former guy for a solid five minutes. Given his history over the past 8 years or so, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Just another day in American politics.

P.S. Over the holiday weekend, there were nearly 20 mass shootings. The injured total is over 100 and the number of dead so far is 18. This is not a difficult problem to solve. We just need a little common sense and push the 1% mega-donors out the door.