The Accusation by South Africa That Israel is Committing Genocide is Not a Laughing Matter

The definition of genocide is as follows:

The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.

Last week, in response to the events of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas that resulted from October 7, South Africa accused the Jewish state of genocide against the Palestinians.

I would love to laugh at this lie, but it is not a laughing matter. This accusation comes from the country that forced its black population into a severe second-class status for generations. I don’t know if this is self-righteous anger or an attempt to make up for its own past, but the aim is completely off. I could go on, but last week’s episode of People of the Pod put it perfectly.

Speaking of, it has been more than 100 days since that horrible. More than 100 people are still being held hostage. Given what we know based on the testimony of former hostages, I don’t want to even consider what those still being held are dealing with daily. 

Happy Monday.

P.S. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Allison Josephs, host of the Jew in the City Speaks podcast posted the following on Twitter.

Author: Writergurlny

I am Brooklyn, NY born and raised writer who needs writing to find sanity in an insane world. To quote Charlotte Bronte: “I'm just going to write because I cannot help it.”

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