Lily’s Promise: Holding On to Hope Through Auschwitz and Beyond – A Story for All Generations Book Review

After the Holocaust, the cry was never again. But to make sure that never again is more than words, action needs to be taken.

Lily’s Promise: Holding On to Hope Through Auschwitz and Beyond – A Story for All Generations was published in 20222. Co-written by survivor Lily Ebert and her great-grandson, Dov Forman, this autobiography/memoir tells Ebert’s story.

Born in 1923 to a Hungarian Jewish family, she was the oldest of six kids. Imprisoned in Auschwitz, she promised herself that she would survive and speak for those who could not tell their story. Based on their TikTok account, the hope is that younger generations will read this book and learn from the mistakes of their elders.

I’ve read and reviewed numerous books on this subject. While the purpose of this genre is to share the story to make sure that the Holocaust was a one-time event, this tale is different. By using social media, the hope is that young people will listen and think twice before opening their mouths or commenting on a post.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely.

Lily’s Promise: Holding On to Hope Through Auschwitz and Beyond – A Story for All Generations is available wherever books are sold.

What Makes a Good Leader in the Workplace?

Bloganuary writing prompt
What makes a good leader?
  1. Respect goes two ways. The best professional relationship is one in which the manager respects the team and visa versa.
  2. Does not micro manage their staff. He/she/they trains them but does not watch them work.
  3. Understands the work-life balance.
  4. Treats everyone the same without favoritism.
  5. Shows gratitude for their people for the job they do.
  6. Provides leverage when a minor mistake is made.
  7. Clearly communicates updates from upper management.
  8. Puts their ego aside for the sake of their employees and the task at hand.

Flashback Friday: 100 Day Dream Home (2019 to Present)

Every genre has its own standard narrative arc. That being said, there are ways to be creative while respecting those boundaries.

100 Day Dream Home has been on the HGTV schedule since 2019. Florida couple Brian and Mika Kleinschmidt are a real estate agent and a developer respectively. Instead of renovating an existing property, they build a custom home from scratch. It is supposed to be done and move-in ready within 100 days of breaking ground.

While the premise stands out from other shows of this kind, it is still formulaic. It is entertaining, but I can only watch so many episodes before my brain starts to turn to mush.

Do I recommend it? I am leaning toward yes.