Republican Fuckery XXXX: Denying DEI, OK HB 3133, Immigrants Drowning, and Keeping Kids Hungry

Part of the game of politics is putting up with bullshit. The question is, how much bullshit can the American public before we can’t take it anymore?

The concept of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) has been floating around for the last few years. In short, it is aiming for a world in which everyone is allowed to succeed, regardless of identity or labels. Even with its shortcomings, it represents an ideal that we should all be working toward.

Last week, an episode of Fresh Air detailed how some on the right are using the resignation of Dr. Claudine Gay as an excuse to remove DEI from academia and corporate America. Whatever mistakes and missteps Dr. Gay made, this justification is paper-thin and reveals their true motives.

In Oklahoma, the proposed law OK HB 3133 could label Hispanic gang members as terrorists. Its purpose is to stop the smuggling of fentanyl and prevent overdoses. Beyond the obvious racist implications, I fail to see how targeting one group will make this problem go away. Resolving any addiction requires a multi-pronged approach that does not include pointing the finger as these politicians have.

Meanwhile, in Texas, an immigrant mother and her two children drowned while crossing from Mexico into the US. If I thought previously that Greg Abbott’s heart was cold before, I am now convinced that he has no heart. This woman wanted to make a better life for herself and her children, as have generations of immigrants before her. Their deaths were completely preventable.

And finally, several Republican Governors turned down federal assistance to feed children for breakfast and lunch when schools are closed. Their reason is that they believe that it makes kids obese. I’m not a scientist or a doctor. But I know enough to know that the chance of becoming obese is based on several factors. It does not include having inadequate meals during the summer and school breaks. So much for caring about the next generation.

We have a choice in November. We can choose to support our democracy or hire politicians who say one thing and do another.