Empire of Light Movie Review

Movie magic is like nothing else. It can take the viewer away from their reality and into a world that is not their own.

Empire of Light was released in 2022. In the early 1980s, Hilary  (Olivia Colman) is the manager of an independent movie theater on the coast of England. Dealing with both the stress of the job and the weight of mental illness does not make her day easy. Her boss, Donald (Colin Firth) depends on her to keep his establishment running and train the newest member of the team, Stephen (Micheal Ward).

Together, they discover the healing power of film and community.

With powerhouse actors like Coleman and Firth, I would have expected to be blown away. Their collective careers are nothing short of amazing.

Unfortunately, I was bored. Whatever was supposed to keep me watching was not there.

Do I recommend it? No.

Empire of Light is currently streaming on Hulu.