Throwback Thursday: X-Men: First Class (2011)

Relationships don’t fall apart over nothing. Something or someone has to pull the individuals apart, sending them on different paths.

X-Men: First Class was released back in 2011. In the 1960s, Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and  Erik Lensherr/Magneto (Michael Fassbender) have the same goal. They want to find other mutants and band together against a greater enemy.

But before this can happen, Magneto needs to write a wrong from his past via Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon). This decision will pull these friends apart and shape the destinies of mutants for generations to come.

I enjoyed this movie. I’ve never read the original comic books, so I cannot comment on what may have been changed in the transition from the page to the screen. I appreciated the rounded character and narrative arcs. It was also nice that the female characters (though they are in the minority) are equal to their male counterparts.

Do I recommend it? Yes.