Flashback Friday: Antiques Roadshow (1997-Present)

Imagine the following if you may: You or someone you know purchased a tchotchke at a garage sale years ago. Since then, it has been gathering dust in the basement or attic. Though it looks like nothing, it turns out to be something whose importance has been lost to time.

Antiques Roadshow has been on the PBS schedule since 1997. The program travels around the country where individuals present items that they think or hope might be of historical significance. Experts will review it and tell the owner of its importance and perhaps, what it is worth on the open market.

I’ve watched a little bit of Antiques Roadshow. It’s not my cup of tea. But given that it has been around for nearly 30 years, there is obviously an audience. There was also an episode of Will & Grace that parodied the show, so it has hit a cultural nerve.

Do I recommend it? Not really.