Bookshop Cinderella Book Review

Minor spoilers below. Read at your own risk if you have not read the novel.

Sometimes the romantic partner that we want and/or need is right in front of us. We just need to open our eyes and see beyond the first impression.

Bookshop Cinderella, by Laura Lee Guhrke, was published last year. At the ripe old age of 28, Evie Harlow is proud that she is doing everything she can to keep the family bookstore in London afloat. Falling in love and marriage, specifically with a member of the upper classes, isn’t even on her radar.

Maximillian Shaw, Duke of Westbourne changes all that. He makes a bet with his friends that he can turn her into the “diamond” of the season. At first, Evie is not impressed with him, his friends, or the bargain made on her head. Then fate changes her mind.

Max thinks that he can find her a husband among the country’s elite bachelors. But as time goes on, Evie starts to shine and his opinion of her starts to change. When her reputation is severely damaged, Max hopes that she will wear his ring and enter the highest levels of society.

I liked the book. Max and Evie have a nice chemistry. I appreciated where they both came in terms of emotional baggage. There was also the She’s All That-esque narrative that made this book stand out. When they do get together, Max makes sure that he has consent moving forward in his relationship with Evie. It is a message that cannot be more timely.

My only issue is that Evie is very often referred to as a girl or a beauty. I understand that it may have been the language of the era. But it still rubbed me the wrong way.

Do I recommend it? I am leaning toward yes.

Bookshop Cinderella is available wherever books are sold.