Love, Chai, and Other Four-Letter Words Book Review

Giving into what others think we should is both easy and complicated. While we may play pretend on the surface, the emotions roiling beneath will eventually bubble up.

Love, Chai, and Other Four-Letter Words, by Annika Sharma, was published in 2021. It is the first book in the Chai Masala Club series. Originally from India, Kiran has made a vow to not disappoint her parents. After her sister’s marriage scandalized the family, she swore that she would be the perfect daughter.

A recent transplant from Nashville, Nash’s childhood was chaotic and tumultuous. Despite his early years, he has found professional success as a psychologist. But he still wrestles with abandonment issues and unresolved anger.

Meeting in New York City, the attraction is palpable. Kiran knows that she must bring home a partner who will not be met with derision. If Nash continues on the same path, he will remain as is. They know what they feel. But are they willing to open up and take a chance?

I loved this book. It was funny, charming, romantic, and hit the right emotional notes. What I most appreciated was the mental health aspect of the narrative and the emotional blocks that both Kiran and Nash were dealing with.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely.

Love, Chai, and Other Four-Letter Words are available wherever books are sold.

Flashback Friday: Clash of the Gods (2009)

Greek myths (like all myths) are more than stories of fantastic places and superhuman creatures. There are basic life lessons baked into the tales.

Clash of the Gods aired on the History Channel back in 2009. Airing weekly, each episode highlighted individuals and narratives within ancient Greek and Norse myths.

I liked this series. It was imaginative, entertaining, and a reminder of why we still return to these plots centuries later.

Do I recommend it? Yes.

Thoughts On Last Night’s Presidential Debate

A presidential debate is supposed to help the voters decide who they will potentially vote for in the upcoming election. Like it or not, the performance of the candidate could make or break the final results.

Last night, the first debate between President Biden and the former guy aired on CNN. As expected, he who shall not be named lied like the rest of us breathe. But that is not the issue. The problem is that Biden validated the argument that his age will be an impediment if he wins in November. Whoever was putting the figurative coals in the proverbial fire needed to load the shovel a few more times.

I will let the Meidas Touch guys take it from here. But even with all of the disappointments, there is only one choice going forward.