Republican Fuckery XXXXIIII: The Ridiculous Presidential Immunity Case and Kristi Noem Coldly Killed Her Pets

For nearly more than 200 years, the political and legislative safeguards that our Founding Fathers put into place have kept our democracy on course. Do I trust that these barriers will continue to hold for the next 200 years? No.

Last week, the question of whether or not POTUS has complete immunity was put before SCOTUS. The former guy thinks that the President should be above the law. The questions that I think hit home (asked by the three liberal female justices, FYI) are the following:

“If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military to assassinate him, is that within his official acts to which he has immunity?”

“How about if the president orders the military to stage a coup?”

“I’m trying to understand what the disincentive is from turning the Oval Office into the seat of criminal activity in this country,” Jackson said. “If the potential for criminal liability is taken off the table, wouldn’t there be a significant risk future presidents would be emboldened to commit crimes in office?”

Obviously, whoever is in this position has certain advantages while in office due to their responsibilities. But at the end of the day, they are still an ordinary citizen and subject to the same laws as the average person on the street.

On a similar note, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem stated in a forthcoming book that she killed her dog and a goat while on family property. She claims that the dog was misbehaving and a danger to be around.

There are so many organizations that could have taken both animals until they could have been rehomed. There was no reason to kill them. But then again, why should I expect anything less from these people?

At this point, I firmly believe that if we are to survive as a nation, we must put country over party.

P.S. Did you see Biden’s speech at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner over the weekend? A political leader who can laugh at themselves while presenting policy to improve the nation is one that I can get behind.