The Infernal World of Branwell Bronte Book Review

There is nothing so frustrating as an artist dying young with a life and a career that was previously full of promise.

The Infernal World of Branwell Bronte was published in 2006. Written by Daphne du Maurier and with an introduction by Justine Picardie, this biography gives Branwell Bronte the treatment that is often given to his sisters. Bronte was the only son and fourth child of Patrick and Maria Bronte.

Like Emily, Anne, and Charlotte, Branwell showed early signs of artistic genius. But in contrast to his female siblings, his work never saw the light of day or achieved greatness. Addiction took him to an early grave, leaving questions of what might have been.

His story is not unknown to anyone who worships the literary ground that the Bronte sisters walked on. There was so much potential there. Unfortunately, he was one of those who was not fated to see his dreams become reality.

Do I recommend it? Yes.

The Infernal World of Branwell Bronte is available wherever books are sold.