Accomplished: A Georgie Darcy Novel Book Review

There is something to be said for the advantages that come with the upper classes. But that does not mean that life is all sunshine and roses.

Accomplished: A Georgie Darcy Novel was published in 2022. Written by Amanda Quain, the book is a modern YA retelling of Pride and Prejudice from the perspective of  Georgiana Darcy. After a series of mistakes nearly got her expelled from Pemberley Academy, Georgie Darcy is determined to prove that she has changed.

But her reputation and errors are still trailing behind her. She hopes that matching her brother with classmate Elizabeth Bennet will make some of those problems go away. But when reality comes crashing in, Georgie learns that she has to make her own path both in and out of the classroom.

I liked this novel. It’s a nice introduction for a young reader who needs a modern touch when it comes to Austen. There was enough of the original text to make a well-versed Janeite happy while also speaking to someone who knows nothing or next to nothing about her work. It is also lovely to give Georgiana Darcy the spotlight.

Do I recommend it? Yes.

Accomplished: A Georgie Darcy Novel is available wherever books are sold.

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