The Hate That Must Be Revealed and Reviled: Moms for Liberty & Tommy Tuberville on Abortion and White Nationalists

There is nothing wrong with sharing one’s opinion on a variety of topics. That is, after all, one of the core of any democratic society. However, the line has to be drawn at hate speech.

Last month, the newsletter for the Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty quoted the man (who shall not be named) who led Germany between 1933 and 1945. Known as a “parents’ rights group“, they lean politically to the right.

A parent, of course, has the right to determine who and what their child is exposed to. But they do not have the right to dictate what another youngster sees, both in school and at home. What I find extremely offensive is that Moms for Liberty conveniently forgot that this person was responsible for World War II and the unnecessary deaths of millions (my own brethren included).

Meanwhile, in our nation’s capital, Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville said the following about white nationalism. Though he did eventually walk it back, it was only done when he was basically forced to.

“Well, they call them that,” Tuberville said back then of people who oppose White nationalists. “I call them Americans.”

If that was not enough, he is holding up the filling of high-ranking military positions due to his anti-abortion beliefs.

I’ve never had an interest in joining the armed forces. But I admire anyone who is willing to put their life on the line for the rest of us. A woman who chooses this path should not have to decide between her career and when/if she brings new life into the world.

I know it sounds cliche, but we have to find a way to get along. Obviously, we don’t need to be in agreement on everything. But, at the very least, we have to be willing to come to the table and try to understand another’s perspective.

Throwback Thursday: Shark Tank (2009 to Present)

The leap from being a full-time employee to running your own company is a fraught one. The pitfalls that come with dealing with everything instead of one department or niche are many.

The reality show Shark Tank premiered in 2009 on ABC and has been on the air since. In each episode, four entrepreneurs present themselves and their company/product to five well-known investors. The goal of each pitch is to receive additional funds to get to the next level.

As far as reality television goes, Shark Tank is not bad. It is not as much of a brain drain and speaks to the adventurer in us to not rely on the typical W2 job to pay the bills. I find myself rooting for the presenters, hoping that they will be able to succeed.

Do I recommend it? Yes.

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