Four of the Israeli Hostages Are Home

Eight months after October 7th, four of the hostages are home. Thank you to the members of the IDF who put their lives on the line to bring Noa, Shlomi, Andrey, and Almog safely. If only the other 120 captives were also free.

It is a glimmer in the darkness that I will never take for granted.

Bring Back Our Israeli Girls (and All of the Hostages)

Next Week is International Women’s Day. There are Still Women and Girls Held Hostage in Gaza

A Bridge Too Far: Pro-Palestinian Protest at National Holocaust Museum

The right to protest and congregate openly is part and parcel of a democratic society. But even that has limits.

On Thursday, a Pro-Palestinian protest was supposed to be held in front of the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. It was canceled when the backlash became too loud.

Obviously, I completely disagree with people who have this perspective. That being said, they have every right to speak their truth. If they want to march on public roads and block traffic, then go right ahead. But to do so in front of an institution that is a memorial to one of the largest massacres of a specific group of people in human history is a bridge too far.

Speaking of, there have been some people this holiday season who have claimed that Jesus Christ was a Palestinian. History and theology have said time and again that he was a Jew.

P.S. Another one of the hostages held in Gaza was found. On October 7th, Gad Haggai was murdered. His remains have still not been returned. His wife, Judy Weinstein was declared dead today. Both held dual American and Israeli citizenship. Judy also was a citizen of Canada.

May their memories be a blessing. Z”l.

The Problem With The Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Comes Down to the One-Sidedness of the Argument

Back in the summer, I had a conversation with a friend who had a baby earlier this year. We were talking about daycare. She mentioned that Jewish parents in her neighborhood sent their children to a daycare center run by a Palestinian-American woman.

I remember thinking then that this woman ran a service that was needed and well-regarded by the residents of that neighborhood. The fact that those who used that service and the person who ran it were of two different backgrounds was meaningless.

This week, two WNYC shows, The Brian Lehrer Show and The New Yorker Radio Hour ran segments about what is happening on the ground in Gaza. While my heart breaks for the innocent civilians whose lives have been taken and overturned by this war, I cannot help but get angry. When the most respected media outlets share a one-sided perspective that casts one people as David and the other as Goliath, I can’t help but wonder if I should turn off the news completely.

Earlier this week, Jerry Seinfeld was performing in Syracuse. Outside of the show, there were protests due to his stance on Israel. The last time I checked, Seinfeld was neither in the IDF nor a member of the Israeli government. This is nothing more than pure antisemitism.

Another news report this week stated that four more hostages were murdered. Tanzanian national Joshua Mollel was kidnapped and murdered simply because he wanted to learn about farming.

Three male hostages were killed in an incident that can only be described as friendly fire. I could say more, but Hen Mazzig puts it brilliantly.

Eretz Nehederet’s most recent sketch is nothing short of perfect. If only the rest of the world was as clear-headed.

Bill Maher also highlighted the truth that many are unwilling to hear.

This bloodshed and destruction could all end tomorrow. But there are too many on both sides who want to keep it going.

P.S. The Harry Potter sketch featuring American actor Michael Rapaport put the issue with the University Presidents last week into nothing short of perfect.

The Bargain that the Israelis Made With Hamas is Unfortunately Necessary

Not all bargains come with consequences. But some do. What matters is the terms of that bargain and who it may affect.

After 50-odd days of fighting, a 4-day ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was announced. 50 hostages will be released over the period of the agreement. So far, two groups of Israeli women and children have been able to return home. 10 Thai citizens are also among those who have been freed.

In return, additional will be trucked into Gaza. Palestinian prisoners who were held in Israeli jails for murder or attempted murder will be released.

While I am thrilled some of those who were held captive are home or on the way home, I have a sinking feeling that the other side will continue on as if the ceasefire never existed.

The question now is how many more (on both sides) will be killed? What deals with Israel have to make in order for the rest of those still held in captivity to be released?

P.S. The Muslim vendor who was verbally attacked on the Upper West Side by a Jewish man last week was just trying to earn a living. I understand the reason for the anger, I feel the same way. But to act in this manner only exaggerates the problem, giving the other side the ammunition they need to make their claim.

It’s Been a Month Since October 7

Jewish history is pockmarked by moments in which we have been attacked and forced to defend ourselves.

October 7th, 2023 is one of those days. It’s been a month since that horrible day.

A month since 1400 lives were taken. Men, women, children. Old and young.

A month since over 200 hostages were taken. Only 5 have been freed.

Though there is much to be angry about (the murder of Paul Kessler on Sunday), and the politicized twisting of the conflict (the proposed bill by GOP member Ryan Zinke to keep Palestinians from coming to the states, which I completely disagree with), we always find a way to crack a joke.

Eretz Nehederet is Israel’s version of Saturday Night Live. One of their skits has gone viral. I won’t spoil other than saying that it is satire at its best.

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I truly hope that this war will end sooner rather than later.

P.S. Hamas official states on Russian TV that they bear no responsibility for the citizens of Gaza. That alone should be enough to stop this madness, but I know it won’t.

Updates on the 2024 Presidental Election: Mike Pence is Out & Dean Phillips Challenges President Biden

The months leading up to an election year (especially a Presidential election) can be compared to a horse race. Who will win and who will not even get close to the finish line is very often up to debate until the nominee is formally named.

Two days ago, Mike Pence announced that he was dropping out of the 2024 Presidential election. Did he really think that he had a chance of snagging the nomination and maybe the job itself?

Meanwhile, President Biden has a challenger for the Democrat ticket, Dean Phillips. I have never been able to predict what will happen in the future. But given Biden’s record so far, Phillips is just wasting his time and donors’ money. The GDP (gross domestic product) is nearly 5%. Compare that to the 2% growth under the former guy. Unless Biden makes a huge (and I mean huge) mistake, I can’t see him losing.

Obviously at this time, the outcome next fall is a mystery. I can only hope that whoever wins, they put our democracy first.

P.S. Pramila Jaypal was a guest on Meet the Press yesterday. Her comparison of the Ukraine to Gaza is not only wrong, but it is dangerous. Thankfully, another hostage has been released. But another set of remains has also been found. The gruesomeness and coldness with which Shani Louk was killed and partially beheaded. They found her skull and required DNA to identify her

Happy Monday.

Antisemitism Killed Samantha Woll

The link between hate and murder is an obvious one. The question is if we can recognize that connection and ensure that justice is served?

Samantha Woll was murdered over the weekend. Known for leading her local shul in Detroit, law enforcement is still putting the pieces together. Though it has not been officially labeled as a hate crime, it is not difficult to put two and two together.

May her memory be a blessing. Z”l.

P.S. Two more hostages from Gaza have been released. 85-year-old Yocheved Lifshitz and 79-year-old Nurit Cooper are now in safe hands. While this is a small sigh of relief, the number of those who are still held captive has swelled to around 220. I’m not a fortune teller, but I have a feeling that this war is going to be long, brutal, and bloody for all involved.

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