The Reason I Stopped Watching the News: The One-Sided Perspective of the Current Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

I usually consider myself to be an optimistic person. As Anne Frank wrote in her journal nearly a century ago:

“In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.”

But I also live in the real world. Antisemitism is on the rise and has risen tenfold since October 7th. Earlier this week, the Associated Press awarded team picture of the year to an image of the body of Shani Louk being taken to Gaza.

It’s as if she was not a human being who was killed because of her faith and nationality. The taking of her corpse is akin to bringing a prize kill home from an African safari.

I want to believe that the press is there mainly to report the facts and let the public make up its own mind. But I know better. It is this knowledge that both scares me and increases my pride as a Jew.

I know that this will have to end sometime. But I don’t know when and how many will be killed (on both ends) and how much will be lost to hate.

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Updates on the 2024 Presidental Election: Mike Pence is Out & Dean Phillips Challenges President Biden

The months leading up to an election year (especially a Presidential election) can be compared to a horse race. Who will win and who will not even get close to the finish line is very often up to debate until the nominee is formally named.

Two days ago, Mike Pence announced that he was dropping out of the 2024 Presidential election. Did he really think that he had a chance of snagging the nomination and maybe the job itself?

Meanwhile, President Biden has a challenger for the Democrat ticket, Dean Phillips. I have never been able to predict what will happen in the future. But given Biden’s record so far, Phillips is just wasting his time and donors’ money. The GDP (gross domestic product) is nearly 5%. Compare that to the 2% growth under the former guy. Unless Biden makes a huge (and I mean huge) mistake, I can’t see him losing.

Obviously at this time, the outcome next fall is a mystery. I can only hope that whoever wins, they put our democracy first.

P.S. Pramila Jaypal was a guest on Meet the Press yesterday. Her comparison of the Ukraine to Gaza is not only wrong, but it is dangerous. Thankfully, another hostage has been released. But another set of remains has also been found. The gruesomeness and coldness with which Shani Louk was killed and partially beheaded. They found her skull and required DNA to identify her

Happy Monday.