My 2014

2015 is within our grasp. With the old year winding down and the new year coming up quick, many of us are making resolutions and remembering the people we were last year at this time.

For me, the beginning of 2014 was even keel and predictable. The spring started to bring on small, positive changes to my life. Then came the summer and the huge roller coaster that was my life. The fall calmed a bit, though, it had it’s moments. Then came the winter and the outlook is hopefully positive.

One of the things that I have learned through my kick boxing classes is that change happens in small increments, not big leaps. When we look back at the path we took and the challenges that we overcame, we see the big picture and the small steps. When we are still on the path, we can only see the small steps.

I’m not a fan of New Years Resolutions as I’ve learned through my own experience at least, that they infrequently or never come to fruition. What I am a believer in, is making small steps and taking chances.

Wherever you are and whomever you are with this New Year’s Eve, remember to appreciate the good times and the bad, for both mold us into what and whom we will become.

Happy New Year.