Flashback Friday-Legally Blonde

The dumb blonde is an obvious joke in our culture. She is easy on the eyes, but lacks the brain power. Or so we think.

In 2001, Legally Blonde turned the image of the blonde ditz on it’s ear.

California sorority girl Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) is eagerly waiting for a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Warner (Matthew Davis). Instead he breaks up with her. Determined to win him back, Elle follows Warner to law school. She finds that he is newly engaged to Vivian Kensington, (Selma Blair) an East Coast Brunette that will help Warner fulfill his political ambition. Deciding to make the best of her situation, Elle finds that law school may be just what she needs and Emmett (Luke Wilson) may be the better man for her.

I like this movie. It’s funny and charming, but it also has an undercurrent of female power running through it.

In 2007, Legally Blonde was made into a Broadway show and an MTV reality show that filmed the audition process and used it as a marketing tool.

While the musical did not last very long in New York, the movie will live on.

Do I recommend the movie? Yes.


Jem And The Holograms Movie

For the last few years, Hollywood has been making movies out of the childhood memories of Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers.

The next movie that will join this genre is a big screen adaptation of Jem And The Holograms.

While I am not a fan of Hollywood constantly spinning out sequels and re-boots, I am looking forward this one.