Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast Podcast Review

Politics is a common subject for many a podcast. What makes one stand out from the pack (at least from my perspective), is the ability to laugh through the anger and frustration.

The new podcast, Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast, is a deeply truthful and slightly comedic take on the current state of the American political system. Hosted by Molly Jong-Fast (previously of The New Abnormal), she gets to the heart of the issues and what can hopefully be done to resolve them.

Starts at 18:30

She is one of those political commentators that does not shy away from the real problems. While calling out the bullshit on both sides of the aisle, she speaks for us while encouraging us to do the same.

Do I recommend it? Yes.

New episodes of Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.