Lady Justice: Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America Book Review

Superheros are part and parcel of our culture. When the shit hits the fan, we know that we can rely on them to save the day. While we look up to these characters, we have to remember that they are fiction.

Lady Justice: Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America, by Dahlia Lithwick, was published last month. The book starts with the 2016 Presidential election and the victory of he who shall not be named. Across the country and independent of one another, individual female lawyers saw the writing on the wall and prepared themselves for a fight. Among them are Stacey Abrams, Sally Yates, and Becca Heller.

Her message is simple and crystal clear. While we look to legal superheroes to save us, the truth is that it is up to us to keep this nation and this democracy alive.

The United States was founded not by generals or kings. It was started by ordinary people who understood how important freedom was. It is that spirit we need today if we are to continue what the founders started nearly 300 years ago.

I really enjoyed this book. It should inspire all of us to take action. If we don’t, then there may be nothing left of the republic that we know and love.

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