New Randy Rainbow Video: Look At Me, I’m MTG! – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

P.S. The former guy was found guilty on all 34 counts. Though we won’t know the final sentence until July, it is a huge relief to know that justice has been served. No one is above the law, not even a former President.

One Way Back: A Memoir Book Review

Women have been forced into unwanted sexual intercourse for untold centuries. While we cannot undo the past, laws have slowly been changing to ensure that the victims get justice.

Up until September 27, 2018, Christine Blasey Ford was unknown to most Americans. After that day, she became one of the faces of the #MeToo movement. She tells her story in her new memoir, One Way Back: A Memoir. It was published in March. When her testimony of her alleged sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh became public, she was either reviled or seen as an unlikely icon of the modern feminist movement.

A lifelong surfer, Blasey Ford uses the analogy of getting in the water to her experience in the public eye. Though she appeared to be overwhelmed by the spotlight, her journey proves that one person can make a difference for the better.

Her story took my breath away. Bravery is not always the absence of fear. It is despite the fear. Her courage to speak out will live on for generations and continue to inspire women to speak up.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely. It is one of my favorite books of the year.

One Way Back: A Memoir is available wherever books are sold.

Throwback Thursday: MonsterQuest (2007 to 2010)

Myths about monsters and other unworldly beings have been around for as long as humanity has been telling stories. Whether these creatures are real and/or a myth can sometimes be in the eye of the beholder.

MonsterQuest was part of the History Channel schedule from 2007 to 2010. The series asked if monsters and/or supernatural nonhumans truly exist. Following the evidence, the creators of the show hoped to prove or disprove the existence of its subjects.

It’s an interesting series. Using the lens of science, medical evidence, and eyewitnesses, the program delves deep into the question of the actuality of these creatures.

It’s the type of show that I enjoy, but I can only watch a few episodes before I change the channel. There is only so much I can take before I need a change.

Do I recommend it? Yes.